There are some environmental issues that interest all of us. Everyone would like to do their part to respect the environment: it is precisely by using Nanoceramix that we would make a first step to save the environment that surrounds us.
One of the problems we frequently hear about is air pollution. We have seriously altered our environment, especially in recent decades, using fossil fuel to generate energy and transport.
The use of such fossil fuels, such as coal, gas and oil, to generate heat or electricity to heat our homes (and cool them down) has been a major environmental impact that we should personally control today.
When during the summer season the unwanted heat enters our home, it creates an environmental impact as it uses fossil energy to cool our home. Another environmental impact is created when the environment is heated during the winter months: it is a waste of energy!
Nanoceramix, mixed with painting, acts as an extra layer of insulation, creating a more energy efficient home.
Nanoceramix (and all Insuladd products that contain it) reduces the costs of heating and cooling a home, making it an ecological home and reducing its environmental impact.
It is an important benefit, ecological and economic, and represents an important step towards the goal of a more energy efficient and environmentally friendly society.
The American company Tech Traders Inc., producer of Nanoceramix and Insuladd paints, has obtained the partnership of three of the most important global bodies in the field of eco-sustainability and energy saving.
Energy Star is an American government program that aims to promote energy conservation by improving the efficiency of consumer products. An Energy Star branded product is a product that reduces energy consumption.
The Energy Star program was created in 1992 by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas production by power plants.
It started as part of a series of voluntary programs to demonstrate the potential of pollution reduction strategies. The application began on computer products, and later extended to other consumer goods such as office products, lighting and other.
Today the brand is also applied to products for construction and other sectors; today you can certify entire buildings with the brand Energy Star.
The EPA estimated that the Energy Star certification saved the US $10 billion in energy costs in the year 2004 alone.
The Cool Roof Rating Council was founded in the U.S.A. in 1998 to develop accurate and credible methods to evaluate and classify solar reflection and infrared emissivity of heat-reflective roof and roofing products.
The CRRC is an international non-profit corporation that promotes, through its associates, the research and dissemination of effective products and methods that can thermally insulate any type of coverage.
The members of the CRRC are required to certify their products intended for the insulation of roofs with standardized tests, under strict technical and quality standards, which analyze, in addition to the performance, the durability over time of the insulation.
The main purpose of the CRRC is to disseminate on a large scale (from the individual user to government agencies) the knowledge and use of techniques and products to make the roof of every home energy efficient, and thus contribute to saving valuable resources for the environment.
Also in Italy many technical studios refer to the CRRC standards when designing energetically efficient roofs for every type of building.
The USGBC (United States Green Building Council), founded in 1994, is the leading association of the “Green Building Movement” that from the United States is spreading like wildfire around the world.
In Italy there is the Green Building Council Italy.
The foundations of the USGBC are based on a certification system ratified bottom-up by a widespread network of professional people and end users (architects, engineers, real estate developers, insurance companies, investment banks, component manufacturers, builders and, of course, customers).
The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is the classification and certification system of the Green Building Council, and is currently one of the most used globally in the field of modern design.
The aim is to define criteria for measuring the performance of a building (residential, commercial, industrial) according to an approach that looks at sustainability in several areas critical to human and environmental well-being: energy efficiency, water saving, healthiness of materials, indoor quality, etc.