Nanoceramix is an innovative mixture of ceramic nanospheres formulated to be added to normal home paints, to reduce the absorption of heat in the warmer months and heat dispersion in the cold months.
What Nanoceramix Does
Nanoceramix effectively reduces heat dispersion and absorption by decreasing the amount of heat absorbed by the walls, ceiling and roof of a building.
Nanoceramix reduces the amount of heat inside a building during the summer season by making external paint act as a heat barrier, or radiant barrier.
During the winter it will reduce heat dispersion by preventing it to migrate to the outside through the walls or ceiling.
Nanoceramix has been used worldwide for more than ten years now. The developers and homeowners who used it claim that Nanoceramix is safe and easy to use.
Nanoceramix has been tested by the Climate Testing Section of the American Missile Command, the Pratt & Whitney Aerospace Agency, the National Construction Institute of Korea, the Municipal Government and National Railroad of Tokyo, Japan.
Moreover Nanoceramix is applied on the Arctic Research Vessel of the American Navy, on the tankers in Middle East, on container of metal, in numerous industries and in great warehouses, in all the world.
Nanoceramix can reduce heat transfer through the walls and floors of each building and has proven to save up over 20% on normal energy costs!